Saturday, March 12, 2011

I Missed it for sometime !!!

This time Papa did not come to station to see me off. It may sound like a bollywood line but surely a person becomes weak because of his children, no matter how strong he is.

When you grew up and started bearing responsibility of your parents, you might have never failed in performing your duties well, but sometimes you miss those gestures which your parents wait, but never ask for. They want you to sit beside them and talk like friends, they want you to get them feel how much they mean to you, they want to be felt proud of you by introducing you to their friends,.... & they want you to embrace them…… and yes they want it badly. We grew up listening that oldies and children are alike but it’s partly true. A child runs and wraps hands around you whenever he feels like but a parent does not. They wait for us to come. But we, getting them to doctors, asking them whether they took the medicine or not, stopping them not to eat sweets… sometimes forget that they need something more than just care. I know, we children don’t do this knowingly but sometimes we’re so occupied with their responsibilities that we miss those moments. But believe me those moments are equally important.

When they call you to meet someone and you feel like 'come on, not again Papa', that time you feel a bit uncomfortable getting formal with that person but have you ever thought what your parents feel when they hear others praising you. The level of satisfaction they achieved when someone tells them, “great! Your efforts paid off”.

I realized all these things, and many more which I ran out of words to express, only that day when he held me, hugged me and patted my back. Then I saw his eyes which hold back his emotions ready to burst. I saw his trembling lips which could just replied in 'Hmm' when I said salam and turned back. Then I realized that I forgot doing what I used to, since I wore their responsibilities.

I shared my thoughts not to be praised for or to hurt someone but to help others realize what I realized. And of course all praises are for Allah, Who gave us parents as an opportunity for our salvation. He knows our hearts and He knows the best.

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