Sunday, October 3, 2010

Got an ambivalent heart !!

Not sure how to make my feeling into words this time. Ofcourse, because the feelings I have today to share with you, need an open mind. Like an upside down glass, so when water pours in would stay but not like other side where does'nt matter how much gallon of water you pour, not a single drop will stay in. Thought a lot of time before hitting the keys but then I concluded that I'll share this. Those, who are really my friends, will be able to understand (though I dont ask them to agree if they dont want to) and those who wont understand, I dont care for them.

For last couple of weeks, I was very tensed because of the ayodhya verdict going to come. Though I had not anticipated any decision or about the consequences but all I was worried about the boost to communal hatred prevailed in our country. The hatred which I first saw in my childhood when Babri masjid was demolished by karsevaks. Those were fun days for me coz schools were closed due to curfew and we spent full day playing in our premises but I remember lines of tension on my parent's forehead and their sorrow for mosque demolition. Even a sound from far away used to make them looking through windows. Gone are the days but not the aftermath. Eversince, I always felt something wrong with few of our neighbours, especially the one closed to our house and I called him 'bhaiyya'. I did not get the reason 'why' untill I grew up enough to understand things.

Anyways, thursday I checked immedietly as verdict came out of court. I felt relieved that the decision wont trigger any communal violence and my family and friends are safe. I was worried about them coz they have nothing to do with decision and irrespetive of their religion, all they want is peace to be prevailed in India. So, in that sense, I was happy of the decision.

But my happiness is seriously outlined by the sadness and concern caused by the same verdict. Verdict where destruction of the supposed temple was condemned and becomes the justification for building a new one, the destruction of the mosque was not. On one side, just claim of temple demolition has been awarded but the truth of mosque demolition has been placed outside of the purview of the case. Just do a bit of research and one can easily find that there is no concrete evidence available which support the claim that either there was any temple built on the disputed site or Baber demolished the temple and built mosque over. Likewise, Its written in Ramayana that ayodhya was birthplace of Ram but where exactly, no. So, how some people so precisely claim the birthplace right under the dome of mosque.

If we talk about excavation report of ASI in 2003 based on court directives, not a single renowned historian or archeologist authenticate it. This aspect has been invoked and subsequently used to bolster the judgement, without being proper authenticacy. People also believe involvement of then ruling BJP led NDA government, of whom brainchild this movement was, in fabricating the ASI report but I'ld rather go for reasoning than speculations. The judgement was purely on the belief that disputed site was birth place of Ram... just on the belief. If there is atleast one evidence of such belief available, I am sure no muslim would have stand against mosque demolition, including me.

Its just a false propaganda of saffron group to polarize hindus and muslims, so that they can rule on us. Just imagine, if mosque would have been built on temple debris, how come it stood there for 500 years and nobody did claim it untill 1949 when some people put idols inside mosque. How could they claim so precisely about the birthplace of one deity whereas no religious or historic book has any record of it? Just think about it, whether its religious driven or political! If there is a sacred place or thing my forefathers used to maintain then that information would have passed from each generation to me. If there is a missing link then the only way I could know about it is through historic records. If I dont have each of them then definitely its my brainchild and nothing near to truth. This verdict has annulled the respect for history and seeks to replace history with religious faith.

The reason of my utmost concern is that this verdict has created a precedent in the court of law that land can be claimed by declaring it to be the birthplace of a divine or semi-divine being worshipped by a group that defines itself as a community. This verdict paved way for those fanatics who wants to divide India to rule India. Unfortunately, I found them succeeding when well educated and rational citizens fall prey to their evil desires. The divide and rule policy, which britishers left behind, still prevails in our country. Those were out siders but now its been used by our very insiders, our politicians.

Religious believes are to open our minds and enlighten our souls. It does not make us away from being rational. If we really believe in our religion, I am nobody to guide but we should read our history and follow what our religious books say not what any political party made up.

Finally, I want all my Hindu brothers and sisters to think about it. Time needs us to unite against those fanatics who never want us to be.


(Beware, I wont allow any word of hatred against either community. If you have such things then this place is not for you, sorry.)


  1. Well Said Riyaz. This is one of the Judgements given by the courts of India which is far away from judicial justice. There are lot of loop holes in the judgement and the verdict is the same as the solution put earlier by PV Narashima Rao. The case was originally of civil nature that to whom the land belongs to and the verdict of the court is just like the monkey story (dividing and give each party a share) which we learnt in our early school days. For this verdict, we need not have gone to court/judicial system. Needless to say that the High court very well know that the case will be appealed to supreme court and its verdict will be useless when appealed. As such, it was such a waste of time/money/efforts done by this court/bench of judges in giving an unjust verdict. Many of the right wing media, who were supporting the building of the temple, were full of surprise by the nature of the verdict which is based on the belief and faith system rather than from a judicial system. The verdict is for sure political rather than judicial. Is this what for the people of India had waited for for more than 60 years? Sure a lot of people have lost the faith in the Indian judicial system.

  2. Some of the as usual stupid Politician have rushed to say that the verdict is one that it accepted by all parties and all communities.. What a stupidity!!!
    If it had been as it were, one of the parties of the case would have not said that it will appeal against the verdict...

  3. hmmmm..............

  4. I applaud you for this write-up. I am sure it must have taken a lot of courage to control your emotions and back your opinion with clear logic.
    I agree with all of your points and I will add a few of mine -

    1) The demolition of the Babri Masjid was one of the most shameful acts (and there have been many) in modern Indian history. It enrages me to think how the police forces could have been such mute spectators.
    2) The "movement" itself was a needless one and led to a lot of bloodshed. The perpetrators have gone unpunished for far too long.
    3) The basic premise of the movement makes me wish I had hair (so that I could tear it apart). How is anybody so sure about the exact place of Ram's birth? Why is it so important to build a temple there? Would Ram Himself sanction such a move?! I am a Hindu and I would like the mosque rebuilt in Ayodhya. Am sure Ram does too.
    4) How could a court of law pass a judgement on a matter of faith?!
    5) While I do agree with your assertions about the divisive role the saffron loonies play, the sad part is it is not limited to them. Politics in India appeals to the most reactionary elements of all religions. Remember the ban on Satanic Verses? Or the harrassment of MF Hussain? Or the protests against Da Vinci Code in India?
    6) The so called "Secular" parties have done the greatest disservice to the Muslim community in particular by investing their efforts in keeping the mad mullahs happy as against directing efforts at uplifting the community and bringing them on par with other Indian communities. For example, the reforms in the personal laws of the Hindus by the Parliament was never allowed to happen for the Muslims by playing up non-existent fears.
    7) The kind of India that the saffron crazies dream of would be similar to a Hindu Pakistan. I am certain that they will always remain on the fringes. They make the mistake of thinking that Indians vote as religious bloc.
    8) Rioters are never punished/convicted. Think of Delhi 1984 (Hang your head in Shame as an Indian). Gujarat 2002 (Shame India). The slaughter of Kashmiri Hindus in the 90s. Small incidents like Deganga (search on google and you will know what I am talking about). I just cannot wish away the fact that the murderers in Gujarat have never been brought to justice.

    But, then as Indians we survive. We forget. Maybe forgive. And move on with life.....India survives.

  5. Thanks for putting your comments here. Politicians know that their existence vanishes as ordinary 'mango' people step up in education and start reasoning them. So, they do everything possible to engage people away from educaion and get them indulge in their weak points. Does not matter whether its Shiv Sena or SIMI, they are alike. I hope there'll be a day when people understand that being religious does not mean being irrational.. & I pray that day come soon.
